This business is part of ABBEYFIELD.
Abbeyfield Palmerston North is located in Rosyln, Palmerston North with 12 Studio Units of independent retirement living.
Roslyn is home to Abbeyfield Palmerston North, which is close to bus stops, the neighbourhood library, stores, and a pharmacy. A beautiful reserve with walkways and boardwalks is close by called Edwards Pit Park Reserve.
The one-story home, which can accommodate 12 people, is set back from the road on a right-of-way. The studio apartments are roomy and offer patios that overlook the garden. The dining room and lounge are both spacious open spaces where residents can unwind comfortably.
Abbeyfield Palmerston North is a rental retirement house.
No. of Dwellings
(Last Updated: 16th April 2024)
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