× Note: Due to the Christmas break - some enquiries may not be responded to until after 6th Jan 2024. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Voice A Complaint

Voicing your concern - how to make a complaint.

If your complaint relates to living independently in a Retirement Village:

You can make a formal complaint by simply writing a letter or sending an email to the operator stating the issue(s), impact, and resolution that you would like. The Retirement Village Residents Assoc. has a form on their website that can help you with the complaint - https://www.rvranz.org.nz/formal-complaint/

You can also contact the Retirement Commissioners Office : rv@retirement.govt.nz or phone 09 356 0052

For Aged Care:

If you're unhappy with how you or a loved one is being treated, or if you see someone else being treated the way you would not want to be treated yourself, then there are processes that you can follow to have it followed up.
Usually, the first instance is to speak to the management at the facility. That way they have the opportuntity to followup /  investigate to clarify what has happened and then resolve any issue. 
If you've approached the facility directly to sort out the situation and you're still not happy OR you prefer not to contact the facility (for whatever reason) then we would like to make sure that you're aware of the following options that are also open to you;

Making an anonymous complaint...

Advising HealthCert of dishonest / concerning situations in the health sector.
Freephone 0800 424 888 (Health Integrity Line) to supply anonymous information.
Making a Complaint with Manatau Hauora

Making a formal complaint...

Health & Disability Commissioner
Freephone 0800 11 22 33

OR...If you require the help of an advocate...

Freephone 0800 555 050 or local phone numbers are available from

For more information on how the HDC's Compliant Process works...

Note: For the period 01 July 2020 - 30 June 2021, the service closed 2675 complaints 81% of those were closed within 3 months. 82% of all closed complaints were resolved or withdrawn by the consumer / complainant. During that same period, we facilitated over 1,200 education sessions and nearly 3,800 network meetings and visits.


Additional options to consider:

Community Law Services offer free legal advice.

Age Concern offices around NZ offer free advice in addressing Elder Abuse & Neglect.

TVNZ's FairGo Programme - 09 916 7288

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