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80.00% from 11 reviews in the last 12 months
This business is part of CHATSFORD.
Chatsford Retirement and Lifestyle Village in Mosgiel, Dunedin is situated on 11 hectares of land within easy access to Mosgiel and only a 15-minute commute to Dunedin city. Gardens surround the homes and apartments many of which have an outlook to the rural landscape.
Amenities include a 20-metre indoor heated swimming pool, library, hairdressing salon, bowling green and large community centre.
Described as one of New Zealand's largest and best-appointed lifestyle communities, Chatsford is a registered retirement village.
Residents can choose to be completely independent and for example, maintain their own gardens, or take advantage of Chatsford gardening team. Additional services such as cleaning, meals and laundry provide a welcome respite if needed, and these can be arranged if, or as, required.
It is said that Chatsford village residents are well positioned to enjoy many cultural and rural lifestyle benefits.
No. of Dwellings
(Last Updated: 15th November 2023)
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