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85.00% from 8 reviews in the last 12 months
This business is part of SUMMERSET GROUP HOLDINGS LTD.
Brand-new homes are selling now* at our second New Plymouth village in the coastal township of Bell Block. Once complete, Summerset at Pohutukawa Place will offer nearly 300 stunning homes to choose from, including villas, cottages, serviced apartments and our industry-leading memory care suites.
No. of Dwellings
To view all Summerset Villages through out the country or to see all Summerset Care Villages
Life at Summerset at Pohutukawa Place promises to be ‘resort-like’. Once the Village Centre is complete, Summerset at Pohutukawa Place will be humming with a range of on-site activities and features. This includes a café, exercise room, library, hair salon, vegetable garden, bar, indoor swimming pool & spa pool, lounge, and barbeque facilities.
(Last Updated: 3rd October 2023)
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