
St Patricks Home and Hospital


WINNER - 2023 FINALIST - 2022,21,20 Best Aged Care (Med/Large) Facility - NI

St Patricks Rest Home
 98.3% (142 Reviews)
4.92 out of 5 stars - 142 votes

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100.00% from 6 reviews in the last 12 months

New Zealand's Best Awards

WINNER - 2023 FINALIST - 2022,21,20 Best Aged Care (Med/Large) Facility - NI


St Patrick's Home and Hospital
Conveniently located in Epsom, Auckland centre, we strive to create an home like environment, rather than institutional. Residents can maintain a strong sense of dignity and independence while receiving finest nursing care.

Services offered

  • Palliative (End of Life)
  • Geriatric
  • Medical Hospital care
  • Rest home care
  • Respite Care

Service Information

This business is part of St Patrick's Home and Hospital Limited.

St Patrick's Home and Hospital is located in Epsom, Auckland and offers 60 rest home and hospital beds.

No. of Beds 60


We provide 24 hour nursing coverage. The RN team are highly skilled and experienced, able to care for clients with high and complex needs, for example managing Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN), PICC antibiotics infusion, and Peritoneal Dialysis etc.
We have a high coverage of qualified senior healthcare assistants who provide personal care to residents. We pride ourselves on the level of training provided and our staff are continuously learning and developing, keeping up to date with best practice.

Aged Care Management

The owners and operators of St Patrick’s Home & Hospital are David Rankin, Jenny Liu and Chao Geng. David has awarded Bachelor of Engineering degree from The University of Auckland; and MBA from Auckland University of Technology. David is also a New Zealand Registered Plumber, Both Jenny and Chao are New Zealand trained Registered Nurse with current Annual Practice Certificate from New Zealand Nursing Council. Jenny has also awarded Master of Nursing degree from the University of Auckland, with rehabilitation nursing background. Jenny has been working at St Patricks Home and Hospital as a Clinical Manager and Facility Manager for two years. Jenny will continue working with Chao as Assistant Clinical Manager to provide the best nursing care

Aged Care Activities

At St Patrick’s Home &Hospital, we have physiotherapist assistant, activity coordinator and a diversionary therapist provide and coordinate a range of engaging activities, including walks and outings, word games, art and floor games. We strongly encourage residents to participate in our exercise programme, such as group activities, including Taichi and two or three trips per week to concerts and cafes. We attend morning melody once a month. We have musicians and other entertainers who visit several times per week. We hold a 'happy hour' on the last Friday of each month from 3 pm to 4 pm.
Entertainment is provided on the day and we welcome family, friends and prospective residents to join us.

(Last Updated: 15th November 2023)

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      DHB Audit Details

      Further Rest Home Certification and Audits Information.

      St Patricks Home and Hospital
      Auckland District Health Board
      Audit Certification period: 48 months (Very Good)
      Certificate renewal date: 3rd April, 2028
      Auditor: BSI Group New Zealand Ltd
      Click here to view latest audit findings

      Why we have Rest Home Audits

      All rest homes and aged residential care facilities are certified and audited to ensure they:

      • provide safe, appropriate care for their residents
      • meet the standards set out in the Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001.

      Types of audit and when they happen

      Certification / Surveillance Audits
      Certification audits happen every 1–4 years. After the audit, rest homes are certified for a set period of time (the exact length depends on how well the rest home performed at the certification audit). Once this time is up, the rest home must be re-audited and its certification renewed.
      An unannounced spot audit (also called a surveillance audit) happens around the middle of a rest home’s certification period. The spot audit ensures progress has been made on outstanding areas identified in the earlier certification audit and that standards haven’t slipped.
      In addition to audits, rest homes have to report to their DHB on how they are addressing issues found at audit. These improvements are then verified at the next audit event.
      Other types of audit
      Provisional audits happen when a provider purchases a certified rest home from another provider.
      Partial provisional audits happen when a provider wants to add services to their certificate (eg, a rest home adding hospital-level care), when a new rest home is built, or when a provider adds capacity or reconfigures their services (eg, builds a new wing, upgrades rooms). Before 2014, audits for adding capacity or reconfiguring services were referred to as verification audits.
      Ministry inspections
      Rest homes may have unannounced inspections by the Ministry under the Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001 in the event of a serious complaint.
      DHB issues-based audits
      DHBs can conduct issues-based audits under the Aged Related Residential Care Contract. For information on these audits please contact the relevant DHB.
