
Cromwell House [Rest Home] and Hospital


FINALIST - 2017 Best Aged Care (Med/Large) Facility - NI

Cromwell House Hospital - Rest home in Epsom
 87.7% (31 Reviews)
4.39 out of 5 stars - 31 votes

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100.00% from 2 reviews in the last 12 months

New Zealand's Best Awards

FINALIST - 2017 Best Aged Care (Med/Large) Facility - NI


Nestled in Epsom, one of Auckland’s most pleasant communities, Cromwell House and Hospital is an elegant and professional establishment that provides Rest Home, Dementia Level of Care and Private Hospital Level of Care to our elderly frail residents

Services offered

  • Geriatric
  • Dementia care
  • Medical Hospital care
  • Rest home care
  • Respite Care

Service Information

This business is part of Cromwell Business Limited.

Cromwell House and Hospital is an elegant and professional establishment that provides Rest Home, Dementia Level of Care and Private Hospital Level of Care. With registered nurses and qualified staff always on site 24/7, residents receive the highest standard of care and safety. Our GP is doing the round every week, and available for ‘On Call’ situations. And our residents’ well-being is our ultimate priority.
Privately owned and operated, we are committed to providing our residents with an establishment that exemplifies the comfort of home. The secure dementia unit promotes an ideal dwelling for residents in need of full-time care; Our hospital is designed to accommodate residents that require long-term care.

No. of Beds 52


Registered Nurse (RNs): Our team of RNs are led by Jenny with the support of the Clinical Leader, senior RN, Nalini Reddy. All our Registered Nurses receive regular in service training which includes training provided by ADHBand other suitable training provider’s.
Our highly trained RCO/HCA’s ensure that Cromwell House and Hospital’s residents remain comfortable and safe. All RCO’s are trained in Dementia Care

Aged Care Management

Manager: Our Manager/ Clinical Manager Jenny Liu is a qualified NZ trained Registered Nurse with Bachelor of Nursing and Master of Nursing Degrees. Jenny Has spent about 10 years working at ADHB focusing on the rehabilitation and Older People Health. In the recent a few years, Jenny has worked as Clinical Manager and Facility Manager at St Patricks Home and Hospital, which is the sister facility of Cromwell House. Jenny has a holistic approach while focusing on the individualised residents’ care; and resident’s rights and well being are top priorities for her.
CEO/Director: David Rankin has Bachelor of Engineering Degree from the University of Auckland and MBA from AUT; Mr Rankin also an Ngapuhi Leader of Maori Community

Aged Care Activities

Tom van Dongen, our Diversional Therapist in conjunction with the Management Team along with the outer entertainers facilitate a positive and energetic environment through a series of activities and events. Exercise regimes, word games, cross word, visiting musicians and singing are a few examples that are offered under our Activities Program. Residents who are more inclined for active outings can participate in our regular bus trips.

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      DHB Audit Details

      Further Rest Home Certification and Audits Information.

      Cromwell House [Rest Home] and Hospital
      Auckland District Health Board
      Audit Certification period: 36 months (Good)
      Certificate renewal date: 8th October, 2026
      Auditor: BSI Group New Zealand Ltd
      Click here to view latest audit findings

      Why we have Rest Home Audits

      All rest homes and aged residential care facilities are certified and audited to ensure they:

      • provide safe, appropriate care for their residents
      • meet the standards set out in the Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001.

      Types of audit and when they happen

      Certification / Surveillance Audits
      Certification audits happen every 1–4 years. After the audit, rest homes are certified for a set period of time (the exact length depends on how well the rest home performed at the certification audit). Once this time is up, the rest home must be re-audited and its certification renewed.
      An unannounced spot audit (also called a surveillance audit) happens around the middle of a rest home’s certification period. The spot audit ensures progress has been made on outstanding areas identified in the earlier certification audit and that standards haven’t slipped.
      In addition to audits, rest homes have to report to their DHB on how they are addressing issues found at audit. These improvements are then verified at the next audit event.
      Other types of audit
      Provisional audits happen when a provider purchases a certified rest home from another provider.
      Partial provisional audits happen when a provider wants to add services to their certificate (eg, a rest home adding hospital-level care), when a new rest home is built, or when a provider adds capacity or reconfigures their services (eg, builds a new wing, upgrades rooms). Before 2014, audits for adding capacity or reconfiguring services were referred to as verification audits.
      Ministry inspections
      Rest homes may have unannounced inspections by the Ministry under the Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001 in the event of a serious complaint.
      DHB issues-based audits
      DHBs can conduct issues-based audits under the Aged Related Residential Care Contract. For information on these audits please contact the relevant DHB.

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